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Freedom zones can be expanded with add-ons. |
It’s been a while since I’ve held a contest and now that I’m
in my new Idaho homestead, it feels like a great time to have another one!
Everyone who comments and/or shares this post on any social media venue gets
put in a drawing for a $50 Amazon gift card! The contest ends March 1
at midnight and the lucky winner will be drawn using a random number generator.
What’s all the hoopla? Why, Lucky of course. He’s generated
quite a bit of comments recently as I post about getting him settled into our
new homestead here in southern Idaho. The property we’ve settled on has no
perimeter fence and I’ve been working on different methods that will keep him
from running over to the neighbors’ houses while allowing him his freedom to be a dog.
Or as Joel Salatin might say, to let him experience his “dogness.”
I’ve decided on an electric fence for Lucky. Through the
comments on my blog from you loyal subscribers (all three of you!) and my own
research, I’ve determined there are six reasonable uses for a DIY electric dog
If you have dogs, keeping them safe and out of trouble is
always a top priority. Dogs thrive on having the freedom to run and explore for
the good of their physical and mental health, but in some cases they can’t do
so without restriction (ie., irritating the neighbors). Electric dog fences are
versatile and reliable methods of containment in most cases and they’re
relatively easy to install on your own. A DIY electric dog fence can be used in
many different ways, and here are some of the ways you can take advantage of
Create Custom Dog
One of the great things about electric dog fences is how
versatile they are. Our three acres is perfectly rectangular…but our house sits
cattywampus (crooked) on the property. Traditional fences are rigid and
typically meant for rectangular yards or 90-degree angles. If I ran a fence
line in parallel with my house, it would look awkward on my property.
An electronic dog fence is easily installed in any shape
or angle, allowing you to fully customize your dog’s zone. In small
yards, this can let you maximize the space your dog can use, without being
restricted by oddly shaped property lines or structures that would interfere
with the path of a traditional fence.
Protect Your Chicken
When I had my chicken coop in Flagstaff, I had to protect my
flock from Lucky. He would dig under the fencing and swipe large swathes of
feathers off their backs…if they were lucky enough to get away from his massive
paws. Whether they have the urge to hunt or just want to play, dogs can easily
injure or kill chickens (Lucky 4, Chickens 0). A fence around your coop to keep
your chickens inside is often not enough to stop your dog from digging under or
jumping over it.
invisible fence placed around your chicken coop will keep your dog
and chickens separated. If you use electricity in your coop, an electric fence
can share the power source.
You can also
purchase a solar panel for less than $100 to power the electric fence.
Guard Your Gardens or
Flower Beds
Dogs that love to dig can wreak havoc in gardens or flower
beds. Lucky can dig holes big enough to hide a lawn tractor in. If it’s a
challenge to stop your dog from entering your garden, an electric dog fence
might be the right solution for you. You can run wire around any sized garden,
and your dog’s e-collar will emit a mild static shock if they get too close.
can even use a wireless dog fence in your garden, and some units are even
disguised as rocks. An important thing to remember, of course, is
that an invisible fence will not stop other critters from going in your garden.
Enclose Large
For people with large properties, an electric dog fence is
an excellent option. Some electric dog fence systems can enclose up to 100
acres at a time. Installing your own electric dog fence can save you thousands
of dollars and the savings are even more significant over larger areas. With an
underground dog fence, you don’t have to deal with evening out the terrain. You
also don’t have to regularly survey your fence for damage, because an electric
system will notify you if any portion is broken.
Add an Extra Layer of
Lucky and I watching the Super Bowl |
Even the best electric dog fence cannot contain the most
aggressive dogs and cannot keep other animals out of your yard.
Because of this, electric dog fences are great as an extra layer of protection
in an already fenced-in yard. Dogs who like to dig under or jump over fences
will be unable to do so when an e-collar system is added. My neighbor has mad
welding skills and was able to spend an entire summer building his on solid
pipe fencing around the entire perimeter of his three acres. But he also lined
the inside of the traditional fencing with electric to keep his animals from
jumping on or leaning up against the fence. With a traditional fence and an
electronic fence, your worries about your dog becoming injured - or a liability
- will be alleviated. We’ve all heard stories about the neighbor who shot a dog
because he was tired of the dog wondering onto his property.
Restrict Indoor Space
– Yes, it can be done!
Electric dog fences are not just for use outdoors. They can
also be installed inside to restrict the movements of your dog. If you need to
keep your house cat and dog separate, for example, an electric fence can set
the boundaries.
Barriers specifically designed for indoor use
allow you to block off access to certain rooms with easy installation. It’s as
simple as placing a small strip or wireless unit in a doorway, and your dog can
have free range in the rest of your home.
Installing your own electric dog fence will save you
hundreds - if not thousands - of dollars, and it can be done by anyone, regardless
of experience. A DIY electric fence can be installed in just one weekend, and
it only takes about 15 minutes per day for two weeks to train your dog on it. There
are plenty of YouTube videos available that teach methods of training your dog
to respect the fence before going live.
I encourage you to share
your experiences with a variety of dog containment systems in the comments section. Commenters and
those who share the post in social media qualify for a drawing of a $50 Amazon
gift card! Let me know how you share this post and you’ll be in the drawing for
the gift card. Again, contest ENDS March 1st, 2015 at midnight.