One of the things I enjoyed repurchasing for Wifey after our house fire was her Bosch supplies. She works magic with her
Bosch Universal mixer with all it's attachments and gizmos. I called a local store where we used to live and told them about our fire. They were gracious enough to give me a discount on the repurchase of all her stuff. This was the same place she used to buy her dough enhancer, yeast and gluten for
her magical homemade bread. Now that she is re-equipped to rock the kitchen, it's time to put that leftover turkey to good use.
Turkey patties with honey mustard and baked potatoes |
It was time to use our SECOND left over donated turkey which I had frozen in the freezer right before Thanksgiving. Our first turkey went to
a delicious homemade noodle soup recipe passed down from my Grandmother. That recipe was SO well received that it was finished off at the next morning's breakfast!
This time, we're going to take the turkey and process it in the Bosch using a cheese grater attachment. This shredded the turkey meat up nice and fine to the point where I could add some mayo and spices and form into patties.
Processing the turkey meat in her new Bosch |
Using some other Bosch attachment (paddles?), Wifey mixed the turkey meat with a healthy dose of mayonnaise, onion powder, garlic salt, and Smoke bbq spice for added flavor. On speed 3 setting, the Bosch made quick work of thoroughly mixing the ingredients. That's when I stepped in to make the patties. No brain surgery required here. The mixture smelled heavenly!
As I was forming patties, Wifey was preparing one shallow bowl with four mixed eggs. This would be used to coat our patties before dipping them into our breading. We had a can of bread crumbs in the cabinet and chose them as the outer layer of the patties. Had this not been in our pantry, I was prepared to crush up some Ritz crackers. They are a terrific substitute to deep fry breading. The bread crumbs were placed in a second shallow bowl.
Flavors: garlic salt, onion powder, bbq spices and mayo |
The assembly line began: make the patty, dip the patty in egg, flip it over a few times in the bread crumbs and lay into a skillet with just enough cooking oil to cover about half the patty's depth. Cook them on a medium heat until a nice golden brown.
While all of this was going on, Wifey had a dozen or so baked potatoes cooking in the oven. Wrapped in aluminum foil, they were ready to eat right as all the patties were done frying up.
As an added money saver, we buy our cheese in block form. It always costs more to buy your cheese already shredded so if you can do it yourself, you can save some money. What better to shred some cheese with than the new Bosch? BTW, the same applies to meat. If you can get your hands on an inexpensive slicer, like we did thanks to CraigsList,
you can save a TON of money slicing your own meat.
Small block of cheese becomes full bag of shredded goodness |
The Bosch shredded the block of cheese in no time. I filled a large zip lock baggy with the stringy orange goodness and set it on the table. We also set the plate of patties on the table, along with sour cream, plates and forks. Everyone helped themselves and it was easy peasy.
Oh, almost forgot the homemade honey mustard sauce. In a normal bowl, fill about 1/3 full of it with mayo and add a good squirt of mustard. Then give it a heavy dose of honey to taste and mix it up real good. This is our favorite condiment and costs next to nothing to make. Someday even less when we start to harvest from our own beehive.
block of cheddar cheese: $2.50
pinches of spices: $1
Bread crumbs: $2
Donated turkey: $0
Bag of Potatoes: $5
1/2 carton Sour Cream: $2.50
4 eggs: $0.50
$13.50 fed nine people with lots of leftovers
Homemade honey mustard sauce |
I have to mention that we served the honey mustard sauce in a bowl that Sis made in art club after school. She made three bowls that work wonderfully for serving sauces.
This was a terrific way to use up our leftover turkey in a way that wasn't the same-old-dinner meals. It was a nice change from the taco, spaghetti, hamburger helper rotation and allowed us to watch the Bosch magician at work.
It could also be used with ANY meat. Just mix it up with some spices, bread it and fry it up. Salmon patties come to mind...or homemade chicken fried steak!
Give it a try, let me know what you think.
Golden brown turkey patties...mmmmm |